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تحميل لعبة Doom 3 لعبة الرعب والإثارة والمغامرة والمتعة للكمبيوتر بحجم صغير

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Download Doom 3 for pc

About Doom 3 game

Title: DOOM 3.
Type: Action.
Engineer: id Software.
Distributer: id Software.
Discharge Date: 3 Aug, 2004.
Record Size: 1.46 GB.
Fate 3 PC Game Overview.

شاهد أيضا: تحميل لعبة الانتقام والمغامرة Max Payne 2  للكمبيوتر مجانا.

In this amusement a huge satanic intrusion has overpowered the Union Aerospace Corporation's (UAC) Mars Research Facility leaving just disarray and loathsomeness afterward. As one of just a couple of survivors you should battle your approach to hellfire and back against a crowd of malevolence creatures. The way is dim and hazardous yet you will have a variety of weapons including a gun a cutting tool, explosives, and more– to use for assurance.

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DOOM 3 PC Game System Requirements! 

Windows Xp,7,Vista 
Video Memory:64MB 3d 
Hard 2.2GB 

شاهد أيضا: تحميل لعبة الإثارة والمطاردات GTA San Andreas  للكمبيوتر مجانا.

Doom 3 PC Game Review
